Passion for Life
Our passionate people
PHARMARIS has a dedicated group of professionals with extensive experience in several areas of healthcare industry. This includes: Business development, manufacturing, regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance, quality control, financing, marketing and sales. The skill sets of our team allow us to build unique strategic business models to launch products and turn them into successful brands.
Rolando Andrade
CEO - Pharmaris LATAM
Rolando is a Senior Executive, Business Administrator with MBA at Universidad del PacÃfico (Peru) with more than 25 years of experience in General Management, Finance, and Commercial in pharmaceutical companies, mass consumption and financial services. Rolando has experience working in transnational companies, as well as family businesses. Founder of Pharmaris Peru and responsible for its expansion in Latin America. His strengths and values, developed throughout his career, are: proactive, persistent, teamwork, team development focused on objectives, and overall total passion for all the activities he undertakes
Ricardo Aliaga
CEO - Pharmaris Peru
Ricardo is a Senior Executive with more than 25 years of professional experience in institutions that provide health services and the pharmaceutical industry. He is a Doctor of Administration with a specialization in Strategic Management where he graduated with the highest praise from San Ignacio de Loyola University. MBA from San Ignacio de Loyola University – California State University Fullerton where he also graduated with the highest praise. Surgeon, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Postgraduate professor at ESAN Graduate School of Business, as well as part of the Faculty of Human Medicine of the University of San MartÃn de Porres. With a high results, he considers that teamwork, humility, respect for people and trust, are the main motivators of organizational growth.
Victor Aravena
CEO - Pharmaris Chile
Victor is a Chilean Senior Executive. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and a MBA in ESAN University (Peru). Victor has more than 35 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry. He has directed multiple successful projects in Chile, Peru and Argentina, in Medical Specialties, OTC, Dermocosmetic and Prevention & Wellness divisions. Victor has strategic thinking and high results orientation, he believes in the strength of the teams and respect for people.
Alexis Barros
CEO - Pharmaris Colombia
Alexis is a Senior Executive, Economist with studies in Colombia and Master in Business Administration (MBA) in University of Applied Sciences (UPC) in Peru. With more than 29 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, in the areas: Strategic, Commercialization, Marketing and Management General. In the area of commercialization and marketing in the segments: prescription drugs, both commercial and institutional channels, OTC, medical equipment, medical devices and retail products. Leading countries as: Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia and Central America. The value that represents him is respect for the human being.
Arun Nayyar
CEO - Pharmaris Canada
Arun is a Senior Pharmaceutical Business Executive with more than 30 years of global experience. He has in-depth knowledge & experience in pharma operations with Generics and OTC products. He has managed wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, greenfield start-up operations throughout his career. His strengths are people, products and managing start up operations leading to profits. He believes in creating value through strategic partnerships which leads to long term sustainable and mutually profitable business. He has the ability to shift easily between strategic initiatives and day-to-day tactical responsibilities. Arun worked in very diverse cultures and markets across the globe and has immense understanding of local values and complexities. He had different leadership roles in Asia Pacific, Latin America, Central America and Caribbean islands. For past decade he is based in Canada and managing business of Canada and South American Markets.
Francesco Pugliese
CEO - Pharmaris Venezuela
Francesco is a Senior Executive who has a degree in Agro-Industrial Engineering with a specialization in the area of food processing of the Ezequiel Zamora University. Also has a Diploma in Intellectual Property focused on the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Latin American and Caribbean University, based in Caracas city. He was an active member of the Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (CIFAR) in Venezuela and has extensive experience and track record of more than 32 years, in the management of local Pharmaceutical companies (Elmor Laboratory in Venezuela), Transnationals (IVAX Venezuela) and Global (TEVA Venezuela and Peru), being responsible for the business and leading the teams of Marketing and Sales of pharmaceutical products (RX, OTC, Generics and Therapeutic Fluids). He is CEO of Pharmaris Venezuela, C.A. since 2020.